Time To Restructure Your Governance Model?

For a variety of reasons, a growing number of associations and other not-for-profits are restructuring Board governance to increase their efficiency. Some association executives and volunteers take the plunge once

How To Hold A Virtual Annual General Meeting

As technology advances, associations and other not-for-profits continuously need to re-evaluate their processes in order to stay ahead of the curve and not seem outdated. AGMs are rarely known for

What Kind of Board Are You On?

Governance structures can be organized based on where they stand on a continuum between pure policy and pure administrative boards. The former develops policy and hires an executive director for


Parliamentary procedures are necessary for decision making within board of directors or committee meetings; these guidelines keep meetings consistent, on topic, and on schedule. The most common procedure used in

Ratification at Board Meeting

During meetings, many topics are discussed, and many motions are passed. Not every motion may have passed unanimously, though the vote or minority opinion is seldom recorded in order to

A Board Leadership Challenge – How to Arrive at a Consensus

Consensus is a collaborative process. Decisions are made based on overwhelming agreement of a group and consensus is reached when everyone supports the decision or at least can live with

Board Portal Technology Improves Board Governance

We rely upon history to learn from our mistakes and not repeat them. There are Not-for Profit scandals including fraud and mismanagement  that has taught us many things. Many Boards

Top Ten Reasons Why You Should Evaluate Your Organization

1. You want to grow your revenue and membership. 2. You need to change to be relevant to your member’s needs. 3. You need to grow your revenues to stay

What Do You Do About an Indecisive Board?

Some Boards have a difficult time in making decisions. Certainly some decision making does need to take the appropriate time, with accurate information and healthy debate occurring. There are times

Strategic Planning: Testing The Trends

A key part of any strategic-planning process is understanding the underlying trends. But how often have you read a prediction, statement or trend, and began to wonder if it were
