To help your board members become focused and productive, make sure they have the following information on hand. Some of it may be a standard part of your board manual;


There are many opinions about how to take meeting minutes. Here are some generally accepted effective best practices. Minutes should indicate the place, date, and time of the meeting and


43% – The percentage of nonprofit CEO’s expect to increase hiring in the next six months, according to the second-quarter results of the 2014 CEO Economic Outlook Survey. That’s an


How to Rise to a Point of Order Whenever a member believes that the Chair has made a mistake or a wrong decision, the member may rise to the point


Are you attending the CSAE BC Chapter Golf Tournament on June 24? If so I will see you at the putting green. Real Board Solutions is the sponsor!


By Sandi L. Humphrey, CAE Each year not-for-profit organizations establish an annual budget. In most instances, budgeted expenses are closely tied to budgeted revenues – in other words, what comes


We often think that there can be 2, perhaps 3 different generations existing on one Board yet that amount could actually be ‘4’……… The article below written for the American


There are times when your organizations members ask to attend your board meetings. Other times you may want to invite guests to make a brief presentation. Either way a guest


This is a great article by Carolyn O’Hara. I often hear from prospects that they have a mentor and don’t want to end the relationship even though they are no


A recent study suggests that too much agreement on a board can weaken a company, even increasing the probability of fraud. Why you need to (nicely) cultivate dissent. Is an
